OAFI and the Spanish Society for Quality care (SECA – Sociedad Española de Calidad Asistencial) are collaborating to implement a care pathway for patients with osteoarthritis.

La Fundación OAFI y la Sociedad Española de Calidad Asistencial, juntos para implementar una Ruta Asistencial de Pacientes con Artrosis

The International Osteoarthritis Foundation (OAFI) and  the Spanish Society for Quality Care (SECA), whose mission is to promote and encourage the continuous improvement of Quality Care in the health sector, have signed a collaboration agreement to promote the prevention, treatment and improvement of the quality of life of people with osteoarthritis.

Dr Josep Vergés, the president of the OAFI, explained that the agreement will have two main lines which will be jointly developed: “A line of training for patients, and on the other hand, it will be very important to work to implement a care route for patients with osteoarthritis, which will also have the collaboration of other medical, pharmacy, nursing and patients’ socieities”.

Meanwhile, the president of the SECA, Dr. Manel Santiñà, highlighted the importance of signing the agreement with OAFI: “Thanks to this agreement we are initiating a line of collaboration with organisations such as OAFI that work directly with patients, in this case, patients with osteoarthritis,” he said.

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