During the days 2nd, 3rd, 4th, 5th, and 6th of November, the Osteoarthritis Foundation International will organize the IV International Congress of OA Patients. In this exceptional year, the congress is adapted to the security and prevention measures against the Covid-19 pandemic and will be held in a virtual format. The presentations, debates, and round tables will be broadcasted live on the OAFI YouTube channel.
Online edition
The IV edition of the Congress is marked by the COVID-19 pandemic. To maintain security and prevention measures against the pandemic and above all to guarantee the protection and well-being of our patients, we have adapted the Congress to a virtual and online format, so that anyone can access from their home.
Everyday, from 6:00 p.m. to 8:00 p.m. (CEST), you can watch online the round tables, the presentations, and follow the debates on the OAFI YouTube channel. Also, you will have the possibility to recover all the contents of the Congress permanently on our channel. The access to the videos is free thanks to the collaboration and support of many entities and partners.
Subscribe now and join the OAFI community here.
World-class speakers
The Congress will count on the participation of world-class experts; Santiago Niño Becerra, Professor of Economic Structure at Ramon Llull University, the venerable Thubten Wangchen, a Buddhist monk and founder of the House of Tibet in Barcelona, Professor David Hunter, Florance and Cope Chair of Rheumatology at the University of Sydney (Australia) and world’s leading expert on osteoarthritis according to expertscape.com, Nathalie Bere, Patient Engagement responsible at the European Medicines Agency (EMA), Professor Ali Mobasheri, President of the Osteoarthritis Research Society International (OARSI), and Dr. Josep Vergés, President and CEO of the OAFI Foundation, among others
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