Tag Osteoarthritis

17 May

The Role of the Family Physician in Osteoarthritis

Article courtesy of Dr. José Luis Llisterri Caro, Family Physician, Clínica Vallada de Valencia Osteoarthritis Osteoarthritis is a chronic, inflammatory, degenerative disease affecting the joints. The symptomatology of osteoarthritis is frequently associated with functional disability, as well as signs and symptoms of inflammation such as pain, stiffness and loss of mobility. It is the second most […]


27 Nov

TriAnkle project: bioprinting tissue regeneration as a therapy for Osteoarthritis patients

One area of research that has been gaining momentum in the last decade is printing with biocompatible materials for tissue regeneration, also known as bioprinting. Article courtesy of Lluís Quintana Frigola, Corporate Manager, Viscofan Bioengineering. Bioprinting holds great promise for addressing the needs of osteoarthritis patients in a variety of ways (Markel Lafuente-Merchan, 2022). Osteoarthritis […]


21 Sep


Article by courtesy of Dr. José Luis Llisterri Caro, Médico de Familia, Clínica Vallada de Valencia. Osteoarthritis is a chronic disease that represents the second reason for consultation in Primary Care health centers as it accounts for 50% of visits to the doctor related to the musculoskeletal system. It is the most common joint disease […]


15 Sep

Osteoarthritis Patients and Professionals unite for World Osteoarthritis Day – September 17th to raise awareness of the disease

Leading Global Associations Join Forces to discuss Pain Management and Mobility Improvement Initiatives for OA Patients Barcelona 15th September 2023 The OA Task Force, an international alliance of patients, medical and expert organisations in the field of osteoarthritis and rheumatology, led by the Osteoarthritis Foundation International (OAFI) and the Arthritis Foundation, come together this September […]


12 Sep

CHAPTER 1: Bone Health and Vitamin D. What is it and why is it so important?

Vitamina D y Salud Articular


22 Feb

Study finds why Osteoarthritis is more common in women than in men

On the occasion of the celebration of Articulando el Deporte, on 8, 9 and 10 March in Madrid, we bring you this article published some time ago, which explains the prevalence of osteoarthritis in women compared to men. Women suffer more from osteoarthritis than men. A group of experts from Augusta University in Georgia (USA) […]