This year at the II International Congress of Osteoarthritis Patients to be held on 9 and 10 October at the Axa Auditorium in Barcelona, OAFI will have the pleasure of having great speakers who will share their knowledge with us.
Among them, we will have the presence of the Professor of Economic Structure at the IQS School of Management of the Ramon Llull University, Mr. Santiago Niño-Becerra, who will give us a master class entitled: “Responsibility: the new requirement of social protection”.
In addition, we will have the presence of the prestigious Dr. in Physics and Journalist, Mr. Tomàs Molina, who together with Dr. Vergés, President of OAFI, will present “The Barometric Patient” a study that analyzes the relationship between meteorological conditions and osteoarthritis.
We will also enjoy the presence of the Venerable Thubten Wangchen, Buddhist monk and Founder of the Tibet House in Barcelona, who will talk about mental limitations and pain and will give us a Mandala’s and Mantra’s Workshop.
All activities and panels of speakers will bemade up of world specialists in health, sports, health administrations, as well as representatives of different scientific entities, patients and medical societies.
And, of course, the patient. The OAFI Congress will revolve around the needs of the patient, which is why we will have first-hand testimonials who will explain their stories and experiences in their day-to-day life living with osteoarthritis.
Are you going to miss it? Free admission. Limited capacity. Register:https://bit.ly/2PUAITd