Magnetotherapy: new horizons in joint health


Osteoarthritis affects more than 595 million people globally, and in Spain alone, more than 7 million. Despite its widespread prevalence, it is still a disease for which therapeutic options remain limited.

This lack of effective tools in the treatment of the disease is a source of frustration for the patient, who is faced with a lack of answers to his or her pain. Moreover, when the patient is polymedicated, the need to find a way to reduce pain effectively and safely with the rest of his or her treatments is even more evident.

Faced with this situation, new horizons are opening up in the treatment of the disease that offer hope for the improvement of patients’ quality of life.

Magnetotherapy, a non-invasive technique in constant evolution

Magnetic therapy is a therapeutic technique which, by means of magnetic fields transmitted by means of a magnet to the affected areas, stimulates the energy charge of the cells in these areas to promote regenerative processes. Magnetic therapy is a technique that has been used for a long time in the treatment of chronic or degenerative pathologies, such as osteoarthritis, with generally good results.

This non-invasive form of therapy has been evolving and looking for new ways to achieve more effective results. In response to this need for improvement, Magnetolith® was born, a new version of magnetotherapy with promising results.

What is Magnetolith® ?

Magnetolith® it’s a creation of Storz Medical, medical technology manufacturers, who develop innovative shock wave systems and equipment with the highest accuracy. MAGNETOLITH® is a new generation of magnetotherapy, based on extracorporeal magnetotransduction therapy (EMTT), which, through cellular and musculoskeletal stimulation, offers new possibilities for regeneration and rehabilitation, accelerating recovery processes and reducing pain.

Its fields of application include some diseases of the locomotor system, such as back pain or tendinopathies of the rotator cuff or Achilles tendon, fractures, fissures, bone oedema, osteoarthritis or joint problems.

In this case, EMTT differs from other general forms of magnetotherapy in its high oscillation frequency (100-300 kHz), the type of waves it uses and the energetic power with which it works. These characteristics allow a great depth of penetration (18 cm) and a large area of indication that help modulate inflammatory processes and improve the cellular work of the affected areas.

In brief

  • Non-invasive, outpatient therapy; hardly any side effects
  • Wide therapeutic range of application
  • High oscillation frequency with great depth of penetration
  • Alternative to other techniques and compatible with other treatments

Treatment with MAGNETOLITH® is convenient and simple:

  • The patient does not have to take off his or her clothes
  • The work is carried out efficiently and with little effort.
  • A treatment session lasts between 5 and 20 minutes, as indicated.
  • Benefits are sustained over the long term (12-16 weeks)

Everything you need to know as a patient

Before starting a therapeutic process, it is important that you have a good clinical diagnosis of your illness and that your doctor makes an appropriate and personalised therapeutic proposal for your case. If you need help in this regard, you can turn to the Clínica Solidaria de OAFI.

As a non-invasive therapy, Magnetolith® is a therapeutic complement to healthy lifestyle habits, such as good physical activity and following a Mediterranean diet, for example. It is therefore essential to work on this basis so that the effects of this new therapy can be more effective. Always remember to consult your GP before starting a new treatment.

It is also important to find a qualified professional who knows Magnetolith® and can apply it correctly. At you can see which clinics in our country offer this therapy and how they can help you. Finally, don’t forget that awareness and adherence to treatment are always a big part of success in reducing and improving pain.

Watch the radio show OAFI RADIO in our Youtube Channel (In Spanish), where we were introduced to EMTT Therapy to find out all about Magnelotith® and how it can help you.

For further information, please contact OAFI Foundation International