Grupo de trabajo
  • Within the framework of the agreement established between the firm Arnaiz and the OAFI International Foundation, the technical team for the development of OAFI SPACE has been set up.

As of this week, OAFI and Arnaiz have set to work to create a technical team and start implementing the project OAFI SPACE, working together in the creation and development of spaces adapted to the needs of people with rheumatic pathologies, such as Osteoarthritis, Osteoporosis or Sarcopenia.

The start of this new collaboration was formalised, on behalf of Arnaiz firm, by the head of Architecture and Design, the architect David Rubio Ortiz, and Dr. Andrés Palazón, as advisor to the Studies and Research Area; and on behalf of the OAFI International Foundation, Dr. Josep Vergés as president, and Dr. José Luís Baquero Úbeda, as director of Corporate Social Responsibility.

The technical team will focus its work on ensuring that physical spaces are adapted to people with the aim of providing them with healthy living conditions.

Equipo técnico
Equipo técnico


Formed by a multidisciplinary team of professionals, to adapt spaces to people and not people to spaces.

The programme’s main mission is to:

– Reconfigure spaces according to the activities and needs of people with reduced mobility.
– Serving the population to meet their space needs, improve their quality of life and take care of their joint health.
– Increasing the quality and safety of the spaces in which we live and work


In Spain, 1 in 4 people over the age of 20 suffer from a rheumatic pathology. These diseases are still unknown to the population, which means that prevention and treatment is delayed. 90% of our time is spent indoors. In 2030, 35% of the Spanish population will be over 65 years of age, a figure that will increase to 50% by 2050.

The demographic ageing faced by society calls for new measures to ensure an optimal quality of life for the ageing population.

Grupo de trabajo


ARNAIZ is a leading global real estate development and planning firm with 50 years of experience in the market, offering a comprehensive and unique approach to the market, with services covering all phases of land transformation and management, including architecture and real estate development.

ARNAIZ integrates a consolidated experience in the market since 1974, with international experience in more than 30 countries. It has teams of multidisciplinary professionals with extensive knowledge of all market segments, on which a holistic vision of the market is based.

Remember that if you would like more information about OAFI SPACE or if you have a joint condition, or know someone who does, we encourage you to join OAFI and/or AECOSAR through our websites or by calling the contact telephone number:

  • AECOSAR al 0034) 914312258
  • OAFI al 0034) 931594015.

Image by Anna Lisa from Pixabay