GOAPPS : GET INVOLVED! Global Osteoarthritis Patient Perception Survey

  • Worldwide, osteoarthritis affects more than 595 million people, and it is estimated that this figure will double in the next three decades.


Worldwide, osteoarthritis affects more than 595 million people, and it is estimated that this figure will double in the next three decades.

It is essential to understand patients’ needs and opinions in order to make future care and treatment options more effective. With this goal in mind, the OA Patients Force international working group has initiated the Global Osteoarthritis Patient Perception Survey (GOAPPS), focusing on the Quality of Life of osteoarthritis patients in different countries, in the second edition of which we invite you to participate.

The GOAPPS global survey will help us to better understand the needs of osteoarthritis patients. From the OAFI Foundation and AECOSAR, who are part of the OA Patients Force, have played an active role in the creation and development of the survey.


If you are a patient with osteoarthritis, over 18 years of age and wish to participate, please click on this link: GOAPPS Survey. There you will find the survey in Spanish, which will take you less than 10 minutes to complete. The survey is anonymous, and the results will be published in the coming months.


We also leave you a QR so you can enter easily:


Your participation will contribute to the well-being of other patients and will improve approaches to prevention, research and management of this disease.

Thank you very much for your collaboration on behalf of the patient community.


If you are interested in benefiting from this study, we encourage you to become a member of OAFI and/or AECOSAR and we will announce the next campaign. You will also have many other advantages. The INTERNATIONAL OSTEOARTICULAR FOUNDATION and the Spanish Association with Osteoporosis and Osteoarthritis, are non-profit organizations of national and international scope based in Spain, whose main mission is to promote the rights and responsibilities of people suffering from diseases such as osteoporosis, osteoarthritis, sarcopenia and other osteoarticular pathologies.

Remember that if you have joint disease; or you know someone who does, we encourage you to join OAFI and/or AECOSAR through our websites or by calling the contact telephone number: AECOSAR at 0034)914312258, OAFI at 0034)931594015.