OAFI Woman

OAFI Woman

OAFI Woman

The female population, particularly those over 45 years old, or women who are in postmenopause, constitute a high-risk group for developing osteoarthritis.

Since the incidence of osteoarthritis is much higher in women, 2 out of every 3 osteoarthritis patients being women, the objective of the OAFI WOMAN program is to empower women in the management of osteoarthritis by providing them with cutting-edge knowledge regarding the prevention and the range of therapeutic measures available such as an adequate exercise, a healthy anti-inflammatory diet, an appropriate exercise (according to the workplace by corrective and ergonomic measures), a home rehabilitation program, a management of emotions to deal with pain and treatment of osteoarthritis to stay active and fight pain effectively.

If you are interested in the initiative and you want to collaborate in it in some way, we encourage you to contact us by writing an email to: info@oafifoundation.com.

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