Category Research

4 Jun

44th National Congress of the Spanish Society of Rheumatology

The Spanish Society of Rheumatology (SER) held its 44th National Congress in A Coruña. The meeting lasted from Tuesday 22nd to Friday 25th May and took place at the Palacio de Exposiciones y Congresos of the Galician city (PALEXCO). The attendees were able to learn about the actions carried out by OAFI, (OsteoArthritis Foundation International) […]


4 Jun

25th National Congress of General, Family and Community Medicine of the Spanish Society of General and Family Doctors (SEMG – Sociedad Española de Médicos Generales y de Familia)

The Spanish Society of General and Family Doctors (SEMG) held its 25th National Congress from 31 May to 2 June 2018, in Valencia, Spain. With the slogan ’25 years of Values, Science and Competencies’, the congress was attended by more than 2,500 participants and included an update ono all therapeutic areas or primary care, especially […]


30 May

OAFI and the Barça Players’ Association (ABJ: Agrupación Barça Jugadores) collaborate to improve the treatment of knee osteoarthritis in a non-pharmacological omega 3 study promoted by OAFI and Ferrer

Together with the Osteoarthritis Foundation International (OAFI), Football Club Barcelona (FCB) and Ferrer International Laboratories, the Barça Players Association is participating in a clinical study aimed at combating osteoarthritis and contributing to the research, prevention and treatment of this disease. The football clubs Atlético de Bilbao and Athletic de Madrid are also taking part in […]


17 Mar

The OAFI Foundation and the University of Barcelona’s Service of Development of Medicines (SDM) are collaborating to develop projects for joint health.

The International Osteoarthritis Foundation (OAFI), a non-profit organisation whose aim is to improve quality of life of people with osteoarthritis and the dissemination of actions for the prevention and treatment of osteoarthritis, and the University of Barcelona’s  Service of Development of Medicines (SDM), whose purpose is to promote innovation and creativity in the field of […]


9 Nov

Retired professional footballers HAVE double the risk of osteoarthritis compared to the general population

The study compares more than 1,000 ex-footballers with 4,000 men in the same age range Retired footballers have twice as much knee pain, a higher prevalence of radiological osteoarthritis and three times the need for knee replacements Football is the most popular team sport in the world. Some 265 million people play it worldwide and of […]


15 Sep

Researchers find why osteoarthritis is more common in women

Women suffer more from osteoarthritis than men. A group of experts at the Augusta University in Georgia (USA) has found that the synovial fluid in the knee contains clues as to why this difference exists. The researchers found clear differences in the messages that cells send and receive through small RNA molecules, called microRNAs, in […]


28 Jul

Experts POINT TO TAi Chi to ALLEVIATE knee osteoarthritis PAIN

Less pain and better quality of life after 5 weeks practicing the aquatic version of Tai chi This is a pilot study carried out with only 25 patients but opens the door to further research Researchers from the Hong Kong Polytechnic University have published a pilot study of 25 patients with osteoarthritis  of the knee […]


17 Jul

Mediterranean diet slows inflammation in PATIENTS WITH knee osteoarthritis

Researchers at the University of Kent, UK, have shown that patients with osteoarthritis of the knee who changed their usual diet to a Mediterranean diet for 16 weeks, in addition to losing weight, significantly decreased levels of a cartilage pro-inflammatory molecule, called IL-1alpha, compared to another group of patients who did not change their diet. […]


4 Jul

Natural selection favoured shorter bones to COMBAT THE COLD, increasing the risk of osteoarthritis

Researchers at Stanford University and Harvard University have found that mutations in the GDF5 gene associated with shorter stature allowed our ancestors to migrate from Africa to frigid parts of the North 50,000-100,000 years ago. However, these same mutations are associated with a nearly twofold increased risk of osteoarthritis. A more compact body structure due […]


26 Jun

Diabetes increases pain sensation in knee osteoarthritis patients

The major burden of knee joint osteoarthritis (OA) is pain. Since in elder patients diabetes mellitus is an important comorbidity of OA, researchers of the University Hospital of Jena, Germany, have explored whether the presence of diabetes mellitus has a significant influence on pain intensity at the end stage of knee OA, and we aimed […]