Category OAFI Friends

4 Sep

Dr. Josep Vergés: “The patient must MOVE from complaint to active participation”

On Saturday, September 2, the President of the International Osteoarthritis Foundation (OAFI), Dr. Josep Vergés, participated in the Second National Symposium of Patients with Rheumatoid Arthritis of Colombia held at the Great Compensar Auditorium in Bogotá. Empowered Patients Before an audience of nearly a thousand people, Dr. Vergés presented one of the Foundation’s star projects: […]


30 Mar

AECOSAR and OAFI join forces in the fight against osteoarthritis

Both entities will collaborate at scientific and institutional level to improve joint health in society The Spanish Association for Osteoporosis and Osteoarthritis  (Asociación Española con la Osteoporosis y la Artrosis  “AECOSAR”) and the Osteoarthritis Foundation International (OAFI) have signed an agreement to work together for the benefit and rights of osteoarthritis patients in Spain. Mª […]