Category OAFI Friends

28 Sep

CHAPTER 2. Bone Health and Vitamin D: Vitamin D in Osteoporosis

Figure 1: Comparison of internal structure in healthy bone and osteoporosis Healthy bone has a more compact structure whereas in osteoporosis there is less bone density. Figure 2: Common symptoms of osteoporosis Osteoporosis is a very common disease and it is estimated that 27.6 million people in Europe suffer from it. One of the main […]


21 Sep


Article by courtesy of Dr. José Luis Llisterri Caro, Médico de Familia, Clínica Vallada de Valencia. Osteoarthritis is a chronic disease that represents the second reason for consultation in Primary Care health centers as it accounts for 50% of visits to the doctor related to the musculoskeletal system. It is the most common joint disease […]


15 Sep

Osteoarthritis Patients and Professionals unite for World Osteoarthritis Day – September 17th to raise awareness of the disease

Leading Global Associations Join Forces to discuss Pain Management and Mobility Improvement Initiatives for OA Patients Barcelona 15th September 2023 The OA Task Force, an international alliance of patients, medical and expert organisations in the field of osteoarthritis and rheumatology, led by the Osteoarthritis Foundation International (OAFI) and the Arthritis Foundation, come together this September […]


12 Sep

CHAPTER 1: Bone Health and Vitamin D. What is it and why is it so important?

Vitamina D y Salud Articular


25 Jul

The silent falls

Why does Osteoarthritis cause falls? Osteoarthritis is a degenerative disease that affects the joints, causing deterioration of the cartilage that covers them. This can lead to a variety of health problems, with lack of stability being one of the most common. Osteoarthritis weakens the muscles and ligaments around the joints, resulting in decreased balance and […]


13 Jul

SEMERGEN and OAFI united once again

SEMERGEN joins the OAFI Foundation in the development of the “OAFI With You” project, aimed at assisting religious patients with joint health problems. The Spanish Society of Primary Care Physicians (SEMERGEN) and the Osteoarthritis Foundation International (OAFI) have signed a collaboration agreement to promote the development of the “OAFI With You” project, focused on providing […]


29 Jun

OAFI-AECOSAR Sign a Collaboration Agreement with ASPE

On June 6, the International Osteoarthritis Foundation, together with AECOSAR, signed a collaboration agreement with ASPE, the Spanish Private Health Alliance. In the way of collaboration and creation of links with entities of different sectors that is carried out from AECOSAR-OAFI, and whose purpose is to create a common work network with the best partners […]


15 Dec

OAFI Radio wins first prize in the audiovisual media category of the 13th Grünenthal Foundation Journalism Awards

OAFI Radio’s programme “Fibromyalgia, chronic fatigue syndrome and adequate exercise” has been awarded first prize in the Grünenthal Foundation’s Journalism Awards, dedicated to chronic pain, in the audiovisual media category. On 12 December, the OAFI Foundation won first prize in the 13th Grünenthal Foundation Journalism Awards for audiovisual media, which aim to recognise the work […]


9 Dec

OAFI, representing osteoarthritis patients, is received at the Vatican

On Wednesday, 16 November, OAFI was granted an audience with His Holiness Pope Francis, where we were able to bring the reality of osteoarthritis to this institution. Dr. Josep Vergés, President of OAFI, and Maria Teresa Vergés, Director of the OAFI Patients’ Area, together with Dr. Ingrid Möller and Dr. Jose María Villalón, recognised experts […]


30 Jun

Chuso García Bragado, OAFI Foundation and Kern Pharma award the first García Bragado-OAFI-Kern Pharma scholarships to promising future athletes

– The scholarships will help 6 young athletes from our country to develop their sports career in an optimal and healthy way. – The award ceremony took place this Tuesday at Kern Pharma’s headquarters in Terrassa (Barcelona). The Osteoarthritis Foundation International (OAFI), the pharmaceutical laboratory Kern Pharma and the Olympic athlete Jesús Ángel García Bragado […]