Category Latest

27 Jul

OAFI hosts the I International Congress for OA Patients

Osteoarthritis Foundation International (OAFI) together with other patients’ associations that treat rheumatologic diseases recognized worldwide are meeting next 9th and 10th of October to find solutions to osteoarthritis It is estimated that 242 million people have osteoarthritis in the world and the number of patients is increasing Osteoarthritis (OA) is a degenerative joint disease that affects both the […]


24 Jul

Osteoarthritis, a serious disease

Dr. Josep Vergés, President and CEO of the Osteoarthritis Foundation International (OAFI) It is considered a disease associated with old age and with very little glamour, if any disease has glamour at all. However, osteoarthritis is a very complex pathology that affects both older people and other at-risk groups. Especially post-menopausal women, sportsmen and women […]


17 Jul

Mediterranean diet slows inflammation in PATIENTS WITH knee osteoarthritis

Researchers at the University of Kent, UK, have shown that patients with osteoarthritis of the knee who changed their usual diet to a Mediterranean diet for 16 weeks, in addition to losing weight, significantly decreased levels of a cartilage pro-inflammatory molecule, called IL-1alpha, compared to another group of patients who did not change their diet. […]


4 Jul

Natural selection favoured shorter bones to COMBAT THE COLD, increasing the risk of osteoarthritis

Researchers at Stanford University and Harvard University have found that mutations in the GDF5 gene associated with shorter stature allowed our ancestors to migrate from Africa to frigid parts of the North 50,000-100,000 years ago. However, these same mutations are associated with a nearly twofold increased risk of osteoarthritis. A more compact body structure due […]


29 Jun

Prolonged use of sandals in summer can lead to osteoarthritis, bunions or tendonitis

Summer arrives and one of the first changes we make is in the way we dress. The high temperatures cause, mainly in the case of women, that we change from closed shoes to open sandals: going abruptly from using a shoe that completely supports the foot to sandals, in many cases with heels, that barely […]


27 Jun

OAFI supporting #BCN4EMA

Osteoarthritis Foundation International (OAFI) supports Barcelona’s candidacy to host the European Medicines Agency The International Osteoarthritis Foundation (OAFI), supports Barcelona’s candidacy as the future home of the European Medicines Agency. OAFI has joined the more than 200 economic biomedical, social and cultural organisations that have signed the manifesto to express their support for Barcelona to […]


26 Jun

Diabetes increases pain sensation in knee osteoarthritis patients

The major burden of knee joint osteoarthritis (OA) is pain. Since in elder patients diabetes mellitus is an important comorbidity of OA, researchers of the University Hospital of Jena, Germany, have explored whether the presence of diabetes mellitus has a significant influence on pain intensity at the end stage of knee OA, and we aimed […]


23 Jun

World Health Organisation proposes new definition of chronic pain, giving hope to patients

The World Health Organisation (WHO), the global institution that sets health policy standards, has proposed a new definition of ‘chronic pain’ that could significantly improve care for pain patients. Dr Robert Jakob, WHO’s Chief Medical Officer, spoke about this new definition and its implications at the Symposium on the Social Impact of Pain (SIP). The […]


19 Jun

High fiber diet reduces the risk of knee osteoarthritis

It is the conclusion of two long-term studies conducted in the United States A diet rich in fiber is linked to a lower risk of painful knee osteoarthritis, according to the first study of its kind, published in the Annals of the Rheumatic Diseases magazine. The findings, which are based on two separate long-term studies, […]


25 May

Weight loss can slow down knee joint degeneration

A study at the University of California claims that obese or overweight people who lost 5-10% of their body weight over a 48-month period significantly decreased knee cartilage degradation. The results of the research have been published in the journal Radiology. The study involved 640 people with a body mass index (BMI) over 25, who […]