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9 Nov

Retired professional footballers HAVE double the risk of osteoarthritis compared to the general population

The study compares more than 1,000 ex-footballers with 4,000 men in the same age range Retired footballers have twice as much knee pain, a higher prevalence of radiological osteoarthritis and three times the need for knee replacements Football is the most popular team sport in the world. Some 265 million people play it worldwide and of […]


13 Oct

Barcelona, world capital of osteoarthritis patients

The OAFI Foundation has organized the 1st International Congress of Patients of Osteoarthritis at CosmoCaixa More than 150 million patients were represented by the most important international rheumatological disease patient associations Taichi session On 9 and 10 October, the International Osteoarthritis Foundation (OAFI) organized the 1st International Congress of  Osteoarthritis Patients at Cosmocaixa Barcelona with […]


11 Oct

FC Barcelona and the OAFI Foundation collaborate against osteoarthritis in sport

Both entities agree to promote the prevention and treatment of osteoarthritis in sportmen, professional or amateur, from childhood to adulthood The collaboration agreement was presented today at the 1st International Congress of Osteoarthritis Patients, organized by OAFI Dr. Gil Rodas and Dr. Josep Vergés during the presentation OF THE AGREEMENT IN CosmoCaixa The International Osteoarthritis […]


19 Sep

The OAFI Foundation and the University of Barcelona collaborate in the training of health professionals in the field of osteoarthritis

Dr. Josep Vergés (OAFI) and Dr. Amàlia Lafuente (UB) at OAFI’s headquarters The Osteoarthritis Foundation International (OAFI) and the Pharmacology Unit of the Faculty of Medicine and Health Sciences (Campus Clinic) of the University of Barcelona have signed an agreement by which both entities will collaborate in the training of health professionals, psychologists, nurses and […]


15 Sep

Researchers find why osteoarthritis is more common in women

Women suffer more from osteoarthritis than men. A group of experts at the Augusta University in Georgia (USA) has found that the synovial fluid in the knee contains clues as to why this difference exists. The researchers found clear differences in the messages that cells send and receive through small RNA molecules, called microRNAs, in […]


4 Sep

Dr. Josep Vergés: “The patient must MOVE from complaint to active participation”

On Saturday, September 2, the President of the International Osteoarthritis Foundation (OAFI), Dr. Josep Vergés, participated in the Second National Symposium of Patients with Rheumatoid Arthritis of Colombia held at the Great Compensar Auditorium in Bogotá. Empowered Patients Before an audience of nearly a thousand people, Dr. Vergés presented one of the Foundation’s star projects: […]


31 Aug

OAFI exports its osteoarthritis PATIENT EMPOWEREMENT MODEL to Colombia

On Saturday, September 2, the President of the Osteoarthritis Foundation International (OAFI), Dr. Josep Vergés, will participate in the Second National Symposium for Patients with Rheumatoid Arthritis in Colombia which is being held at the Compensar Grand Auditorium in Bogota. Empowered Patients Under the title “Patient Communities: challenges and expectations” Dr. Vergés will present the […]


28 Jul

Experts POINT TO TAi Chi to ALLEVIATE knee osteoarthritis PAIN

Less pain and better quality of life after 5 weeks practicing the aquatic version of Tai chi This is a pilot study carried out with only 25 patients but opens the door to further research Researchers from the Hong Kong Polytechnic University have published a pilot study of 25 patients with osteoarthritis  of the knee […]


27 Jul

OAFI hosts the I International Congress for OA Patients

Osteoarthritis Foundation International (OAFI) together with other patients’ associations that treat rheumatologic diseases recognized worldwide are meeting next 9th and 10th of October to find solutions to osteoarthritis It is estimated that 242 million people have osteoarthritis in the world and the number of patients is increasing Osteoarthritis (OA) is a degenerative joint disease that affects both the […]


24 Jul

Osteoarthritis, a serious disease

Dr. Josep Vergés, President and CEO of the Osteoarthritis Foundation International (OAFI) It is considered a disease associated with old age and with very little glamour, if any disease has glamour at all. However, osteoarthritis is a very complex pathology that affects both older people and other at-risk groups. Especially post-menopausal women, sportsmen and women […]