Category deporte

21 Mar

ARTICULANDO EL DEPORTE: La salud de los deportistas en juego. Solo el 65% de los lesionados consigue volver al deporte

CONCLUSIONES DEL V CONGRESO ARTICULANDO EL DEPORTE Barcelona, 21 de marzo de 2025. La artrosis, una enfermedad que tradicionalmente se asocia con el envejecimiento, y que ya la padecen más de 7 millones de personas en España, afecta a casi un tercio de los atletas a lo largo de su carrera, en muchos casos como […]


14 Jan

CIM Project: Inclusion, team and hiking Health

Article courtesy of Mayte Serrat, doctor UAB, Physiotherapist, General Health Psychologist and alpinist. Principal researcher of the Fibrowalk program at the USSC of Vall Hebron Hospital and President of the CIM Project. CIM Project: Inclusion, team and hiking Health In an increasingly connected world but often marked by a lack of time for human connection, […]


4 Nov

OAFI Congress24 : More than 300 patients and healthcare professionals meet in Barcelona in defense of osteoarticular health

Barcelona, November 4th, 2024 The International Osteoarthritis Patient Foundation (OAFI) held on October 23, 24 and 25 the 8th edition of the International Congress of Osteoarthritis Patients, the OAFI Congress24, dedicated to joint health, with the aim of informing, raising awareness and training on best practices for the prevention, research and treatment of these pathologies, […]


18 Sep

Physiological resolution of inflammation

Inflammation is a physiological process of the organism, defensive and necessary, which occurs in the face of very diverse aggressions, being crucial for the defence and repair of tissue. It really is a frequent situation and at practically all times we have some inflammatory process, often imperceptible, which responds to a specific cause with the […]


3 Jul

CIM PROJECT and OAFI: Unstoppable Team !

CIM Project and the OAFI Foundation sign a collaboration agreement to promote the prevention, treatment and improvement of the quality of life of people with osteoarticular problems, especially fibromyalgia. A spectacular project with an unstoppable team CIM PROJECT is a non-profit organisation driven by club monitors, sports technicians of mountain activities, professionals of physical activity […]


28 Jun

Ten promising athletes receive the III ‘Becas García Bragado- OAFI- Kern Pharma Scholarships’ to promote their sporting careers.

Barcelona, 28 June 2024. The Osteoarthritis Foundation International (OAFI), the pharmaceutical laboratory Kern Pharma and the former Olympic athlete Jesús Ángel García Bragado presented the third edition of the ‘García Bragado – OAFI – Kern Pharma Scholarships’ on Thursday 27 June. The event, held at the headquarters of Kern Pharma in Terrassa (Barcelona), has served […]


29 May

OAFI at Isokinetic 2024

This past weekend took place the congress Isokinetic 2024, on Sports Medicine, held at Cívitas Metropolitano (Madrid), and Atlético de Madrid Club and its Medical Services have played an important part in its organization. OAFI Studies OAFI has participated with the presentation of the advances in different studies of our R+D: Fantastic Workshops at Isokinetic […]


3 May

The Women’s Race 2024 is here!

OAFI and AECOSAR present at the Madrid Women’s Race with activities and workshops Life expectancy is increasing every year, and is now around 85 years for women. However, in Spain, 60% of people over 65 years of age have more than one chronic pathology, that is to say, most of our elderly are patients and […]


9 Feb

We are ready at the starting line of #ARTICULANDO24