


In last Monday’s show of OAFI RADIO discusses how nutrition can help in cases of dysphagia and sarcopenia, presenting testimonials from patients and experts. The importance of modified textures and safe nutritional products to improve quality of life is highlighted....

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Basic recommendations for Osteoarthritis care

Article courtesy of Dr. Francisco Castro-Domínguez, Chief of Section, Rheumatology Service, Centro Médico Teknon, Barcelona. Coordinator of OA SER Working Group, ARTROSER, Spanish Society of Rheumatology. Non-pharmacological treatment recommendations and strategies are the most basic part of osteoarthritis treatment and are recommended...

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Marina Geli

Artrosi, osteoporosi i sarcopènia

Article de Marina Geli, Metgessa i ex-Consellera de Salut La vida, en moltes ocasions, crea espais de trobada inesperats. Jo visc a Sant Gregori, municipi pròxim a Girona en un dels quatre que integren la Vall de Llémena. Sant Aniol de...

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Physiological resolution of inflammation

Inflammation is a physiological process of the organism, defensive and necessary, which occurs in the face of very diverse aggressions, being crucial for the defence and repair of tissue. It really is a frequent situation and at practically all times...

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Magnetotherapy: new horizons in joint health

Osteoarthritis affects more than 595 million people globally, and in Spain alone, more than 7 million. Despite its widespread prevalence, it is still a disease for which therapeutic options remain limited. This lack of effective tools in the treatment of...

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GOAPPS: the Global Osteoarthritis Patient Perception Survey

The OA Patients Force, led by OAFI, has launched the “Global Osteoarthritis Patient Perception Survey” ARTHROSIS AND GOAPPS Worldwide, osteoarthritis affects more than 595 million people, and this figure is expected to double in the next three decades. Understanding patients’ needs...

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