The Director of the Research Area of the OAFI Foundation, Ms. Nina Martínez, has been included in the list of the prestigious FORBES magazine, within the framework of the “ChangeMakers” campaign, the people who will make a difference in our society in 2024. CONGRATULATIONS!
At the OAFI Foundation we are starting 2024 with a bang and with news as good as the one we are going to explain below. Forbes magazine, the world-renowned publication specialising in business and finance, has as one of its outstanding projects the creation of a list called #ChangeMakers. In it, and as the magazine itself indicates, it highlights “The changes that will take place and will shape a society that is much more aware of the importance of scientific and technical advances in 2024 will be driven by people whose experience and capacity for innovation (which is not always technological) will be a guide for thousands of citizens, protagonists of the creation and transfer of knowledge”.
Thus, in the list that has just been made public, Ms. Nina Martínez, director of the Research Area of the OAFI Foundation, appears as a driving force for change, as “Chemical Engineer, specialist in pharmaceutical chemistry and director of the R&D department of the Osteoarthritis Foundation International. She is an expert in analysing the perspectives, needs and quality of life of patients with joint disorders, with the aim of promoting prevention, treatment and research into these pathologies”.
We are extremely happy to receive this recognition for a job well done, and for the mentality of social change that we at OAFI have been promoting from day one. One of the reasons why we continue to work is because we firmly believe that research is one of the great ways to create a better, fairer and more knowledgeable society, which places osteoarthritis and osteoporosis and the people who suffer from them in their rightful place. In this way, they will be able to have the information, therapy and treatment they need to enjoy the quality of life they deserve.
From the OAFI Foundation we would like to thank FORBES magazine for the distinction, and congratulate Nina for her work and dedication, CONGRATULATIONS!
You can watch the interview of the Forbes’ manager and how Ms. Nina Martínez explains OAFI’s R&D projects in the OAFI Radio Broadcast next Monday at 20h on our Youtube Channel. Don’t miss it!