OAFI Sport

OAFI Sport

Is sport a risk factor
for developing osteoarthritis?
Is the overuse of joints when practicing sports detrimental for cartilage in the articulations?

OAFI has designed programs targeting risk groups such as sportspeople, adolescents, women and seniors to raise awareness about osteoarthritis, how it affects people’s lives and how to manage the disease through prevention and treatment.

  • High level (competition)
  • Joint deformity
  • Meniscectomy
  • History of rupture of the anterior cruciate ligament
  • Practicing sport despite a history of injury
  • Age at which the pre-existing trauma happened
  • Start relatively late (age <40-50 years) the practice of a risky sport

Osteoarthritis may appear at earlier stages of life due to intense practice of sport (soccer, rugby, racquet sports, track and field sports, etc.) and under certain conditions (especially at a high intensity). Joint overuse and injuries are the main causes for triggering osteoarthritis, mainly of hip and knee.

OAFI SPORT program helps you exercise correctly by analyzing your genetic condition, clinical history and morphotype to improve your performance and health.

If you want to excercise, but avoid unnecessary injuries, we encourage you to contact us by writing an email to: info@oafifoundation.com

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